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Simon:Forced tech transfer was probably necessary in an earlier stage of development. Today China is in a position of strength, where any forced or inappropriate transfer of technology should be abandoned. I think both countries should also stop to think of German or Chinese companies. Companies as such have no nationality. A German company which runs a good factory in China is a blessing for China. And a Chinese company which runs a good factory in Germany is a blessing for Germany. I often say that German companies have to become Chinese, and in the same vein Chinese companies have to become German. The consulting company I founded, Simon-Kucher & Partners, has employees from 68 countries who work in 38 offices all over the world. Our origin is in Germany, but we are not a German company. In Beijing and Shanghai we are a Chinese company, all our employees there are Chinese. I personally think that we have transcended the state of nationalism in our company. But the politicians and most people are still thinking in national, if not nationalistic terms. The result is what we see today in the trade tensions and the danger that global value chains are destroyed.


Simon:China has become the factory of the world, as expected for many years. It has gone through a transformation from low cost, low price, low quality producer to a medium cost, price, quality producer. In some sectors Chinese companies are world-class manufacturers, a good example are railroads. But in general the quality of typical Chinese products is not yet at the level of German products. It is important to be realistic about these facts and not to dream. The objective quality is one side, the perceived quality is the other side. Perceived quality is created through objective quality plus branding. And branding remains a weakness of Chinese firms. There are only two Chinese companies among the top 100 in the world, Huawei is No. 70 and Lenovo is No. 100.

井山:自己虽然不会下将棋,但是能体会到羽生善治老师在获得这么多荣誉的情况下依旧保持积极向上,保持挑战新事物的心态,这一点非常了不起,希望自己今后也能成为那样的存在。——在平昌冬奥会上印象最深的项目以及选手,然后相对羽生结弦说些什么。羽生:奥运会是把4年的努力全部在这一瞬间爆发出来的地方,为了这一瞬间,需要花大量的集中力和努力。希望选手们能全力发挥,不留遗憾。关于羽生结弦,虽然姓氏的读法不一样(羽生善治:Habu Yoshiharu,羽生结弦:Hanyu Yuzuru),但是能感受得到亲切感。虽然调整了一段时间后直接迎战奥运会,但是很期待他能在正式比赛中能有出色表现。在艺术表现力上面我还是非常期待的。

上个月,福特表示将关闭其在巴西最古老的工厂。该公司还表示,将退出其在南美的重型商业卡车业务,此举可能导致逾2700人失业。福特表示,其全球重组计划将涉及数千个工作岗位,并可能关闭欧洲工厂,并导致110亿美元的支出。今年1月,福特首席执行官吉姆-哈克特(Jim Hackett)对员工们表示,2018年的业绩“平平”,是时候“把2018年埋进一个深深的坟墓里,转向超级专注于实现,事实上,要超过今年的计划。”

