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CNS:In the post-Merkel era partly symbolized by CDU’s new leadership of AKK, what do you think are the possible changes, and what are the major impacts on the Sino-Germany economic relationships?

对此,沃尔玛在自己的门店中投入了一套名为 Missed Scan Detection 的监测系统。这套系统里面附带了一种具备计算机视觉技术的 AI 相机,相机运行时就会扫描货架上的货物。当产品在没有经过扫描的情况下离开扫描区域的时候,系统就会通知员工来处理。



CNS:We have noticed that the German government has recently launched the National Industrial Strategy 2030, which aims to maintain the leading position facing the tremendous competitions from the US and China. Several industries have been identified to be ones representing Germany’s manufacturing excellence and the government is urged to be more supportive, in another sense, to be more protective. So how do you view this directional change of the government to be more involved in the business activities? What are the impacts on the mittelstand sector, which is the backbone of Corporate Germany? Meantime, how can Germany and China achieve a win-win situation taking into account the variables of the government policies?

责任编辑:郭建据伊朗半官方塔斯尼姆通讯社报道,伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊9月17日表示,美国要求与伊谈判的目的不是找到一个公平的解决方案,而是强加其粗鲁的要求。他表示,美国希望向所有人证明,对伊朗极限施压的行动起了作用,那些说不谈判的伊朗官员正在谈判。哈梅内伊表示,如果美国证明极限施压是有效的,伊朗将永无安宁。(央视记者 倪紫慧)
