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The difference between the yield on AAA-rated bonds and the yield on BAA-rated bonds with similar maturities issued by firms with similar characteristics captures the willingness of investors to hold exposure to corporate credit risk. All else equal, a wider BAA–AAA spread indicates a diminished willingness of investors to bear credit risk. In the lead-up to recessions, investors reallocate their portfolios toward safer securities, as they become more concerned about holding credit risk. As a result, the BAA–AAA spread increases in the lead-up to recessions (see chart below), making the spread a useful indicator of the health of the economy.

Credit Ratings 101信用评级基本常识Credit ratings help investors differentiate between bonds with higher credit risk—those assigned a lower credit rating—and lower credit risk—those with a higher credit rating. Because investors are compensated for holding credit risk, higher-rated bonds earn a lower yield. The top of the credit rating spectrum, so-called investment-grade bonds, is bracketed by AAA—the safest credit rating—at one end and BAA (on the Moody’s rating scale) or BBB (on the S&P rating scale, equivalently) at the other. Throughout this post, we refer both to bonds rated BAA by Moody’s and those rated BBB by S&P as having a BAA rating.


需要注意的是,加拿大皇家骑警以及边境服务局在这3小时内对孟晚舟进行的“搜查”行动,其实都是不符合法律程序的。根据加拿大边境服务局官网资料,该机构若要就对象展开拘留行为,必须提供解释。此外,该机构必须允许被拘捕对象使用手机请求法律援助。但加拿大边境服务局执法人员柯兰德(Scott Kirtland)执法笔记显示,孟晚舟及其随行人员在下飞机后在第一时间就被收缴,不具备无法对外联系的条件。此外,华为方面律师在《卫报》今年3月的报道中透露,加方执法部门在拘留孟晚舟时,并未告知其拘留缘由。

