添加时间:Regarding the JCPOA, a multilateral agreement endorsed by the UN Security Council, it should be implemented fully and effectively for its vital role in the international non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East. China applauds Iran‘s faithful implementation of the JCPOA so far and hopes relevant sides will, bearing in mind the overall interests and proceeding from a long-term perspective, jointly uphold the agreement, which is in line with the common interests of the international community.
A:I‘m not aware of anything like what you mentioned. Following policies that protect freedom of religious belief, China administers religious affairs according to law. We are resolute in rejecting and fighting religious extremism. Believers’ normal religious needs are guaranteed in accordance with law and their customs respected. Today, in more than 35,000 mosques in China, over 20 million Muslims are free to practice their religion in accordance with law. We hope that relevant media will be less enthusiastic about getting information by the grapevine and spreading hearsay.
中日海洋事务高级别磋商是双方涉海事务的综合性沟通协调机制。中方期待在本轮磋商中同日方就共同关心的涉海问题充分交换意见,增进彼此了解和信任。The high-level consultations are a comprehensive mechanism for bilateral communication and coordination. In this round of consultations, China looks forward to a full exchange of views with the Japanese side on maritime issues of mutual concern to boost mutual understanding and trust.