That many of the charges the U.S。 has leveled against China aren’t based on solid facts indicates there is lack of sufficient information about China and its aims and interests。 Some of the accusations may be based on individual cases or mishaps, which are being deliberately used to give China a bad name。 For example, if a Chinese individual or a member of the news media comments on American politics in a transparent and lawful manner, it should not be misportrayed as official interference。 China has been highly sensitive about foreign interference in its domestic affairs and therefore condones no behavior for such purposes。 Accusing China of interference without hard evidence, for any Chinese, is no more than a na�ve joke -- if not a deliberate demonization。
丹斯克银行驻哥本哈根的国际首席分析师兼中国经济学家AllanvonMehren在周五(11月23日)发布的报告中写道,即使它可能不像特朗普预期的那样顺利,仍然预测中美元首峰会取得积极成果的可能性为六成。责任编辑:张宁12月7日,以“5G赋能行业 合作共赢生态”为主题的论坛在2018中国移动全球合作伙伴大会期间成功举办。会上,中国移动重磅成立了“产业数字化联盟”,聚力产业合作伙伴,打造开放共赢新生态。
For its part, the Chinese can do more to dispel such corrosive misconceptions。 Chinese officials and scholars can be more active in engaging the American public。 Take for example, the 2008 melamine-laced baby formula scandal。 Peter Navarro, now a White House trade adviser, twisted the tragic episode in his book, using it to portray the Chinese as so immoral that they would poison foreign customers and themselves。 Such distortions wouldn‘t spread if China had proactively given the world a fuller picture of the episode, making clear that the problem was investigated, that the people responsible were punished and that laws and regulations were put in place to prevent future such occurences。 Ten years have passed and challenges remain, but food safety is a top priority of the Chinese government。