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中生制药(01177)   11.00元   升1.29%石药集团(01093)   15.84元   升0.13%国药控股(01099)   28.15元   升0.18%金斯瑞 (01548)   17.16元   升0.59%平安好医生(01833)  49.00元   升2.83%

综上所述,这些因素表明,美联储可能在2019年剩余时间保持暂停(加息)模式。毕竟,即使最近薪资增长温和加速,似乎也不会推高通胀,这意味着菲利普斯曲线可能会在更长时间内保持平坦。Taken together, these factors suggest that the Fed could remain in pause mode for the rest of 2019. After all, even a recent modest acceleration of wage growth does not seem to have produced higher inflation, implying that the Phillips curve may stay flatter for longer.

事实上,OYO的危机不仅仅爆发在中国。2019年8月,在OYO的本土市场印度,小型酒店业主在多个印度城市组织了对OYO的抗议活动。据路透社报道,印度北部此类组织负责人阿米塔布·穆哈帕特拉(Amitabh Mohapatra)说,今年有300多家酒店退出了OYO的印度网络。

The addition of Clarida amid stalling inflation and tightening financial conditions no doubt proved decisive in the Fed’s decision to hit the pause button. But Clarida also seems to have pushed the Fed toward renewed dovishness in more subtle ways. For starters, his presence lends support to Powell’s view that the flattening of the Phillips curve (which asserts an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment) may be more structural than temporary. Some Fed researchers disagree, and have published a paper arguing that uncertainty with respect to the Phillips curve should not stop the Fed from normalizing US monetary policy. But with Clarida’s input, the Fed will be more inclined to focus on actual inflation trends, rather than on the official unemployment rate and its implications under traditional models.
